Dr. Kinyungu's Resume
Fellowship (Pain Medicine), Loyola Medicine - Maywood, Illinois
Residency (anesthesia), University of Chicago - Chicago, Illinois
Internship (internal medicine) University of Chicago - Chicago, Illinois
M.D., Washington University School of Medicine - St. Louis, Missouri
B.Sc. (Biochemistry), University of Nebraska - Lincoln, Nebraska
EMT-Basic, South East Community College - Lincoln, Nebraska
CNA, South East Community College, Lincoln, Nebraska
American Board of Anesthesiology
Pain subspecialty- American Board of Anesthesiology
New York
University of Chicago Medical Center, Chicago, Illinois
Graduate Medical Education Committee
House-staff representative
Founder and Primary organizer- 1st annual Ultrasound for regional anesthesia resident workshop
University of Nebraska
New Nebraskan tuition scholarship
Honors student textbook scholarship
Washington University School of Medicine
Distinguished minority medical scholarship
Mound City medical forum scholarship
University of Chicago Medical Center
Medical Student Teacher of the Year
Society for Education in Anesthesia (SEA)
SEA-HVO Traveling Fellowship to teach anesthesia in a
developing country
1st Place Abstract presentation,
Midwest Anesthesia Residents Conference
3rd Place Abstract presentation
Midwest Anesthesia Residents Conference
American Society of Anesthesiologists
American Academy of Pain Medicine
Journal Articles
Kraus MJ, Evanoff B, Hitcho E, Ngugi KE (Kinyungu), Dunagan WC, Fischer I, Birge S, Johnson S, Constantinou E, Fraser VJ: A case-control study of patient, medication, and care-related factors for inpatient falls. J Gen Intern Med 20:116-122, 2005
E. Ngugi Kinyungu: Analgesia and Anesthesia in Pre-colonial Africa. Bulletin of Anesthesia History July 2010, volume 28, Number 2: 26-30
E. Ngugi Kinyungu, T. Buck, J. Holtman: Tachycardia Following Ganglion Impar Block. Open Journal of Anesthesiology, Vol. 2 No. 5, 2012 PP 217-218
Kinyungu EN: Ultrasound Determination of Needle Depth in Thoracic Epidurals in Adult Non-Parturient Patients. American Society of Anesthesiologists Annual meeting; 2010
Kinyungu EN: Recognition and management of erroneous end-tidal carbon dioxide (ETCO2) levels in the OR. Midwest Anesthesia Residents Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana 2008
Kinyungu EN: They are not incidentalomas; we practice medicine in the anesthesia perioperative medicine clinic. Midwest Anesthesia Residents Conference, Chicago, Illinois, 2009
Kinyungu EN: Radiologic investigation of a one sided epidural block. Midwest Anesthesia Residents Conference, Chicago, Illinois, 2009
Kinyungu N: Tachycardia Following Ganglion Impar Block. Midwest Anesthesia Residents Conference, Chicago, 2012