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Dr. Ngugi M. Kinyungu, (Founder)


Dr. Kinyungu is a graduate of Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis one of the nation’s top Medical Schools under the world renowned Barnes Jewish Hospital. There he received many awards and distinctions including the coveted Distinguished Minority Scholarship. He Completed his residency in Anesthesia at the University of Chicago Hospitals another  world renowned health system powerhouse where again he received many accolades but the most important award to him was the "Medical Student Teacher of the Year" which he received during his first year which was unprecedented for someone so young in their career.


You see Dr. Kinyungu's passion is to teach and make healthcare simple for everyone, he believes that only when  people understand their situation can they help themselves and those around them in turn. And that is ever so the case with pain patients. Listening to a patient and trying to understand the source of a patient’s pain and teaching them how to cope with and manage it is winning the battle against chronic pain.


Dr. Kinyungu believes that often times patients are misinformed as to how exactly their pain can be managed and what their exact role is in the process, so through empathy, guidance, knowledge and a proper plan a defined road to less pain is in sight.


It was while at the University of Chicago that Dr. Kinyungu discovered his passion for pain management and he ended up volunteering for the pain rotation so often that he tripled his required quota. He decided to pursue a fellowship and get properly certified in Pain Management so as to provide his patients with experienced and qualified care with cutting edge technology. Dr Kinyungu worked for a year as an anesthesiologist at Trinity Hospital and within that times his compassion became well known and he was often sought after for request cases. He then went back to Illinois this time to pursue a pain fellowship at the highly esteemed Loyola University Health Systems. Loyola reinforced his love for pain management and reminded him why he enjoyed it so much- simply helping people manage their pain and live normal lives. His commitment to patients and his empathy was evident during the fellowship when on one weekend he drove around town on an early chilly Saturday Morning trying to find a pharmacy that would take a bed-ridden cancer patient’s prescription for her much needed pain medication. Now residing in Long Island New York, he continues to specialize in pain management as well as medical marijuana under New York Compassionate Care Act serving Nassau and Suffolk counties as well as patients from all over the state.


Pain Management is a team effort and ever the analogist Dr Kinyungu compares pain management to trying to roll over a massive rock by yourself- the task is impossible until you get ten of your friends who then work together to roll over the massive rock- that massive rock is pain and the ten people are the various modalities such as injections, medications, therapy and the various health personnel. It Takes A Village!





Fellowship (Pain Medicine), Loyola Medicine - Maywood, Illinois


Residency (anesthesia), University of Chicago - Chicago, Illinois


Internship (internal medicine) University of Chicago - Chicago, Illinois


M.D., Washington University School of Medicine - St. Louis, Missouri


B.Sc. (Biochemistry), University of Nebraska - Lincoln, Nebraska


EMT-Basic, South East Community College - Lincoln, Nebraska


CNA, South East Community College, Lincoln, Nebraska




                         American Board of Anesthesiology

                         Pain subspecialty- American Board of Anesthesiology 





                      North Dakota                                                                                    

                      New York                                                                                         

                      New Jersey, in process





University of Chicago Medical Center, Chicago, Illinois

Graduate Medical Education Committee

House-staff representative                                                               

Founder and Primary organizer- 1st annual Ultrasound for regional anesthesia resident workshop                                 




                        University of Nebraska

                                        New Nebraskan tuition scholarship                                  

                                        Honors student textbook scholarship                                          

                        Washington University School of Medicine

                                        Distinguished minority medical scholarship                      

                                        Mound City medical forum scholarship                             

                        University of Chicago Medical Center

                                        Medical Student Teacher of the Year                                

                        Society for Education in Anesthesia (SEA)

                                        SEA-HVO Traveling Fellowship to teach anesthesia in a

                                               developing country                                                      

                        1st Place Abstract presentation,

                                        Midwest Anesthesia Residents Conference                       

                        3rd Place Abstract presentation

                                        Midwest Anesthesia Residents Conference                      




                        American Society of Anesthesiologists

                        American Academy of Pain Medicine                            





Journal Articles


Kraus MJ, Evanoff B, Hitcho E, Ngugi KE (Kinyungu), Dunagan WC, Fischer I, Birge S, Johnson S, Constantinou E, Fraser VJ:  A case-control study of patient, medication, and care-related factors for inpatient falls.  J Gen Intern Med 20:116-122, 2005


E. Ngugi Kinyungu: Analgesia and Anesthesia in Pre-colonial Africa. Bulletin of Anesthesia History July 2010, volume 28, Number 2: 26-30


E. Ngugi Kinyungu, T. Buck, J. Holtman: Tachycardia Following Ganglion Impar Block. Open Journal of Anesthesiology, Vol. 2 No. 5, 2012 PP 217-218




Kinyungu EN: Ultrasound Determination of Needle Depth in Thoracic Epidurals in Adult Non-Parturient Patients. American Society of Anesthesiologists Annual meeting; 2010




Kinyungu EN:  Recognition and management of erroneous end-tidal carbon dioxide (ETCO2) levels in the OR.  Midwest Anesthesia Residents Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana 2008


Kinyungu EN: They are not incidentalomas; we practice medicine in the anesthesia perioperative medicine clinic. Midwest Anesthesia Residents Conference, Chicago, Illinois, 2009


Kinyungu EN: Radiologic investigation of a one sided epidural block. Midwest Anesthesia Residents Conference, Chicago, Illinois, 2009


Kinyungu N: Tachycardia Following Ganglion Impar Block. Midwest Anesthesia Residents Conference, Chicago, 2012

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